Give Me 30 Days And I'll Help You Rebuild Your Metabolism AND Lose The Hormonal Weight For Good
Guaranteed Or It's Free

See why 18,000+ women are raving about using the 30-day pro-metabolic diet challenge to get rid of bloating, tiredness and hormonal weight gain by eating Good Old-Fashioned nutrient-dense foods foods like steak, Homemade ice cream, potatoes, Fruit and orange juice

Here's How This Challenge Works And Why I'm GUARANTEEING Your Results 🫡

For the next 30 days, you'll follow our proven nutrition system inside the challenge, designed to nourish your body with the essential nutrients it needs to balance your hormones and fire up your metabolism.

Most of the diets women try are so restrictive. They drastically cut calories, food groups or even entire macronutrients, which leave women under-nourished, lethargic and with hormonal imbalances and eventually lead to more weight gain.

It's time you get back to eating good old-fashioned nutrient-dense whole foods that nourish your body and help balance your hormones.

Here's how it works:

  • Step 1. Join the challenge and choose one of our macro balanced, pre-set meal plans containing pro-metabolic foods.

  • Step 2. Go grocery shopping for enriching whole foods like red meat, potatoes, good quality dairy, orange juice, butter, sourdough bread, carrots, and fruit that will nourish your body with the nutrients and energy it needs to thrive and balance your hormones.

  • Step 3. Watch your body change.

  • Step 4. Follow this pro-metabolic nutrition plan for the next 30 days and we guarantee amazing results. Your skin will start glowing, you'll feel lighter, and you'll have more energy. The best part is, you'll look and feel healthy both inside and out.

    It's time you ditch the BS and get back to eating real food that nourishes your body and kick-start your metabolism.

    So far, we've helped thousands of women balance their hormones and lose weight with this natural approach. Keep reading to see their stories OR if you're ready to get to the good stuff, go ahead and sign up now 👇👇👇

Money-Back Guarantee!

So Many Women Over 40 Are Suffering With A Slow Metabolism, Causing Bloating, Indigestion, And Hormonal Weight Gain. Here's Why...

  • Reason #1 - Other diets drastically cut calories and only focus on calorie counting. How much you eat matters and what you eat matters. They don't address the source of the calories so you're not getting enough of the nutrients your body needs. Most diet plans don't actually provide your body and cells with enough energy and the right nutrients so it can function optimally. This affects your metabolism, thyroid and sex hormone production — hello perimenopausal symptoms!

  • Reason #2 - Other diets tell you to cut out sugar and carbohydrates, saying that they are the enemy. The truth is, sugar and carbs are your bodies primary and preferred fuel source. Without them your metabolism slows down. If you don't eat them, your body raises stress hormones to make its own fuel, this is EXTREMELY stressful on the body especially for women in their 40s and 50s going through peri-menopause. Plus you just end up binge eating!

  • Reason #3 - You're sold the dream that bloat pills will help you reduce hormonal weight gain and fix your metabolism. Instead, these pills are a quick fix because they act as a laxative that mostly target water weight. They provide temporary weight loss but fail to address to the root cause of hormonal weight — your metabolism and thyroid function.

Money-Back Guarantee!

Here's The Science Behind Why This Challenge Works (And How It Can Work Fast)

  • This challenge works because we get you to focus on good old-fashioned, nutrient-dense, easy-to-digest foods your metabolism will love (the type of foods that the fitness industry has scared you away from eating for years and years).

  • This challenge works because we encourage a higher protein intake from animal sources with high bio-availability (which means your body can actually absorb the protein and nutrients). The older you get the more protein you need to up-regulate your metabolism and build muscle even without strength training and most diets don't emphasis protein intake enough!

  • This challenge works because we actually get you to eat carbohydrates and sugars. Carbohydrates and sugars give your body the necessary fuel to support detoxification, liver function and hormone production, which eliminates bloating and improves your digestive system (consistent poos 💩).

  • The challenge works because we'll nourish your body with so many delicious nutrient-dense carbs like fresh fruit, potatoes, fresh orange juice, sourdough bread, rice, honey, good quality dairy and maple syrup that you will no longer binge... Less binge eating = less weight gain.

  • This challenge works because you get to eat food you'll f*****g enjoy. Potatoes, cheese, fresh orange juice, fruit, sourdough bread, homemade ice-cream... YUM!!! You will love eating this food, and when you love the diet, you'll stick with it for forever!

Money-Back Guarantee!

This Challenge Hasn't Just Transformed My Life, It's Worked For Over 18,453 Women...

  • Women Like Elisha, who said:

    "Yes I am down nearly 5kg. This is the best thing
    I have ever done for myself. I was over-exercising, stressing my body out with restricting dairy, fat
    and sugar.

    Since allowing my body what it wants and needs, I feel like a new person.

    My mental health and physical health has improved in such a short period of time. Will never go back to my old habits."

  • Women Like Leah, who said:

    "After two days on the meal plan I feel so much better!! Sugar cravings are gone and I have more energy. Happy I don't have to make sugar-free, gluten-free, carb-free, pain-in-the-ass-to-make breakfast muffins anymore!"

  • And Women Like Joann, who said:

    "Absolutely love this program, the best by far I have ever purchased and the last I will ever purchase! I'm doing the challenge and I've taken to it like a duck to water!

    Can not recommend it enough!

    I purchased many ridiculous plans, some of which I only read and thought, 'I can't live off a plate of vegetables and a small piece of lean meat,' know I would fail and starve to death by the end of the day! Love, love, love this program 🙌"

Money-Back Guarantee!

Previously, You Would Have To Pay Upwards Of $4,000 To Get Your Hands On This Information. Here's Why...

When I first discovered the pro-metabolic diet, I immediately started sharing it with my 1:1 clients.

I knew there were thousands, no, millions of women around the world who were suffering with hormonal weight, bloating, irregular periods, and all the other symptoms of hormonal imbalance and a low metabolism.

I personally coached them for months at a time, and even at $4000 each, I knew this was still incredible value for the life-changing transformations it was creating.

But soon I realised how limited I was.

Even with a team of other coaches working under me,
I could only help a handful of clients at a time.

I knew that if I wanted to get this message out to the women who really needed it, something had to change.

So I took the coaching I give to my 1:1 clients and cut it down to it's most essential and effective principles...

I removed any parts that wouldn't have an immediate and lasting impact.

Then I made it into a do-it-yourself, easy to follow guide, which allowed me to massively reduce the price to just a few hundred dollars.

This way, I was able to share my pro-metabolic diet to tens of thousands of women and make bigger impact.

But right now, on this page only, I'm going even further.

Because I know what an incredible change this will make on your life, and because I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get your hands on this information...

So I'm cutting the price even further to make this a total no-brainer offer for you today 💃🏻💃🏻

Money-Back Guarantee!

When You Join Today, you're going to get a sweet 90% discount. Take a peek Below 👇👇👇

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ️️️️ 4.8 / 5.0 based on 6083 reviews

  • 5-Module Pro-Metabolic Diet Course so you know exactly what foods to eat to kick-start your metabolism and balance your hormones.

  • 23 Video Lessons that will help you reduce your perimenopause symptoms, lose weight, and look and feel your best 

  • 7-Day Macro-Balanced Meal Plan so you can eat your favourite foods while losing body fat (yes even ice cream
    and fried rice!).

  • Metabolic Health Assessment to help spot the signs of a down-regulated metabolism so you can live without hot flushes, bloating and sleepless nights.

  • Access To The Private Community Group to get support from our dedicated challenge coach and members to help you stay consistent for longer. 

Total Value = $1,364

On Sale now For
Only $27 USD (Save $177)

Enter Your DetailsWhere We Can Give You Access
CheckoutComplete Your Purchase


And To Spice Things Up, I'm Giving You
2 Exclusive Bonuses Only Available Today
If You Join The Challenge Now

  • BONUS #1 - FREE 14 Days Of Exclusive Live Coaching and use of our brand new App, which includes training programs. Each Month, my partner Craig and I run a live challenge where we help you get set up. Women love this because they get to have all of their questions answered AND we support you by giving you exclusive access to our coaching and training App for 14 days. If you get started today, not only will you get access to next the LIVE challenge, we'll also upgrade your place to a VIP spot, worth $197. Which means you're going to get extra TLC (tender loving care) from our team. This bonus is extremely limited and if you can see this page right now, it's still available.

    Value $197 (FREE)

  • BONUS #2 - My Pro-Metabolic Bonus Bundle

    If you join through this page, I'm also giving you access to my very own 30-Day Full Body training program with exercise video tutorials for each exercise to help you build muscle and improve your metabolism.

    Then you'll get my Perfect Sleep Guide to help you combat sleeplessness and night sweats so you can wake up feeling refreshed and energised and ready to slay.

    Plus a bonus module on Reducing Your Estrogen Load including my favourite clean beauty and cleaning products as well as a guide on ones you can make at home on your own.

    And a Training and Activity Module with recommendations on training, daily activity and cardio that will help you achieve your fitness goals effectively and in harmony with pro-metabolic eating.

    Value $197

Money-Back Guarantee!

The Best Part Is, You're Backed By
A 100% This Sh*t Changed My Life OR
Your Money Back Guarantee

  • Look, I know you're going to go through the challenge and absolutely love it. 30 days from now you'll be saying 'OMG Kitty, you changed my life, I'm finally free from restrictive diets and everything just totally makes sense!!!'

    However, if you aren’t 110% happy with the results you get from The 30-Day Pro-Metabolic Diet Challenge OR the challenge itself...

    Send me an email at and we’ll refund your money.  NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!

    I’m not playing – this is as real as I can get.

    Either this becomes the day you start aging backwards like Benjamin Button or you don't
    pay a penny.

    FULL REFUND without any of the hassles.

  • So the question is... Isn't it worth checking out?

Money-Back Guarantee!

This Challenge Is Different From Anything Else You've Ever Tried. Here's Why...

  • Reason #1 - You don't have to drastically cut calories or entire food groups like carbs, fats, or sugars and you can actually eat like a normal human being!

  • Reason #2 - You get to eat yummy foods like ice cream, red meats, sourdough bread, fruit, orange juice and potatoes instead of existing on salads
    and chicken.

  • Reason #3 - You'll be part of a community of
    like-minded women who not only want to look good but want to make sure they're healthy on the inside and feel good!

  • Reason #4 - You don't have to starve yourself so you'll have energy to power through your day instead of feeling lethargic and run down.

  • Reason #5 - You'll eat satisfying meals that keep cravings and binges at bay so you'll stick to your weight and fitness goal for longer without yo-yo-ing.

  • Reason #6 - You'll balance your hormones to reduce hot flushes, improve your sex drive and
    have radiant skin and hair.

  • Reason #7 - This sh*t actually works! I've helped 18,000 women (and counting) reboot their metabolism and feel younger, healthier, and
    more energised than ever. Will you be next?

Money-Back Guarantee!

I Bet You're Wondering... "Kitty if this is so good why are you selling it for $27... 🙄🙄🙄 Here's Why"

  • Firstly, I'm not getting rich off your $27.

    My mission is to spread this message to as many women as possible to help them get slimmer, feel healthier and regain their confidence this year.

    I want to reach 100,000 women before this year is over, so we are essentially giving this away for FREE.

    The $27 just covers the costs of the marketing
    (like the ad you click) and the website (that you're reading right now).

    I'm not making any money at all from this challenge, it's just paying for itself so I can get it into as many hands as possible!

  • Secondly... I hope that by transforming your life, it can be the start of a long relationship between me and you.

    I'd love for you to join me in my Win At Life Group coaching program and App later down the line, so think of this as the first date before I pluck up the courage to get down on one knee 🤣

    Hopefully this challenge proves that what I teach really works, and you'll love it so much you'll have
    no hesitation to take the next step.

Money-Back Guarantee!

Right Now You Have Two Choices....

  • Choice 1 - You do nothing.

    You click 'X' and you go back to doom scrolling on social media. You forget you ever saw this page and you never get to fix your metabolism or rebalance your hormones.

    You continue trying to starve yourself into shape but because your metabolism is still wrecked, you only have to be in the same room as a loaf of bread and you gain 2kg on your hips.

    You spend years bouncing through every diet under the sun but nothing helps you get the weight off or feel and look better.


  • Choice 2. You join the 30-Day Pro-Metabolic Challenge today and restore your metabolism.

    In a few days from now you start feeling more energy.

    In a week your bloating and digestive issues begin to fade away.

    And you will start to lose the hormonal weight for good.

    In 20 days, your stomach is flatter, you sleep better and your hair and skin are rejuvenating.

    In 30 days, people are asking who's kidnapped the old you and how long you've been drinking from the Fountain of Youth 😉

Money-Back Guarantee!

Still On The Fence?
Here’s Why I Created The Pro-Metabolic Diet Challenge

From the desk of Kitty Blomfield,

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Look if you've gotten this far,

You're still skeptical and you have every right to be.

Every day there's thousands of different influencers online bombarding you with why their way is the best way, and ya-di-da-di-da...

You've heard it all before.

The truth is, most of it is sh*t regurgitated from a mixture
of calorie counting, macro counting and some form of restrictive diet that tells you that you can't eat sugar or eat carbs or fruit or red meat or whatever enemy they've chosen this week.

The truth is, you know that's garbage and your body knows
it too.

As you age, if you don't have your nutrition dialled in your body becomes less forgiving.

You have less energy.

You feel more bloated.

You can't get away with the cheat meals like you once
used to.

You feel fatter and flabby around the waist and you wonder why it's so hard to burn fat.

When the truth is, you're not feeding and nourishing your body in a healthy way.

Instead, you're hammering it with cardio and starving it, and putting it through the ringer and expecting it to run well when you abuse it.

If that's you and you can relate to this...

Then in the next 21 Days, I’ll show you how to reset your metabolism so you can lose weight, gain energy and look and feel decades younger - guaranteed

Now you might be wondering how can I make such a crazy and specific promise like this?

It’s simple.

It’s my track record. 


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women

Over the past 5 years, I’ve helped over 18,042 women lose weight and reverse their perimenopause symptoms, and I’m on a mission to help more.


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women

Women like Rachel, who was surprised she lost two pounds eating more carbs and was literally alarmed and so happy at the results she was getting. 


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women

Money-Back Guarantee!


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women

And Jamil, who rocked the challenge and stuck with it for a full six weeks and lost eight pounds. 


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women

And Lucy, who feels motivated after several years, after increasing her calorie intake and losing 2.5 kilos.


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women

Money-Back Guarantee!

Countless  women have paid me thousands of dollars each to get their hands on this pro-metabolic method and transform their lives


Because I’ve created a system that gets to the root cause
of your hormonal weight gain and harsh perimenopausal symptoms.

Listen, being a woman in your 40s is a real rollercoaster ride. 

You wake up one day and somehow 30 pounds have appeared on your waistline overnight. 

And as if that wasn’t enough, perimenopause symptoms hit you like a freight train. 

On this side of 40, it’s like your body is working against you. 

  • Every single calorie you eat goes straight to your belly.

  • Your periods start becoming irregular and painful.

  • Hot flushes keep you up at night.

  • And the brain fog makes it a struggle just to put a string of thoughts together in your head. 

    It can make you doubt you’ll ever get back the body, energy and health you had just a few years ago, let alone two decades ago. 

    Your face is rounder.

    Your stomach hangs over your trousers.

    Your arms sag if you dare reach up above head height. 

    And you’re ashamed.

    You’re ashamed of what your partner thinks about the body he shares a bed with. 

    You’re ashamed of what you see when you look in the mirror. 

    And you’re ashamed of how your body has become this thing you no longer love like you used to. 

Money-Back Guarantee!

So what do you do?

You do what most perimenopausal women do.

Juice cleanses, detox teas, water fasts…

Keto, paleo, Atkins…

HRT, pills, herbs…

You might have even considered surgery to change the way you look. 

But nothing works. 

By now you might be on the verge of giving up. 

And listen, I don’t blame you. 

Anybody in your shoes would feel the same. 

But there’s something I need to tell you, and I want you to listen really carefully to this next part:

It’s not your fault. 

It’s not your fault that everything you’ve tried up until this point
has failed.

Because 99% of weight loss and fitness advice you’ve followed up until now is a total waste of time for perimenopausal women. 

There’s Something Every Weight Loss Company, Fitness Influencer And Healthcare Professional Is Not Telling You About Looking And Feeling Great In Your 40s

All of the diets you’ve forced on to yourself up until this point never gave you a chance to get into shape.

And the workout plans you punished your body with were destined to fail.


Because they’re totally unsustainable.

They end up adding more stress to your body and actually work against your shifting hormones.

The mainstream advice goes like this:

Work harder on the treadmill to burn more calories...

And be more restrictive in the kitchen to consume fewer calories.

So you pound the treadmill and cut more calories and entire food groups from your diet. 

But no matter what you try, your hormonal weight won't shift and your perimenopause symptoms continue to rage on.

So what gives?

Everything you’re doing to lose weight - the restrictive diets and the insane cardio - is actually making your body store MORE fat.

It's putting your body into a stressed-out, fight-or-flight state that sends your hormones haywire and you lose more of your precious muscle. 

In your 40s, your hormones, thyroid, and metabolism are already in a state of flux.

When you add this to the stress of starvation diets and excessive cardio, it’s a recipe for disaster. 

Your estrogen and progesterone levels become completely unbalanced and your thyroid has no clue what time of day it is. 

The result?

Your metabolism down-regulates, making it harder to lose weight and you have all these symptoms.

And the hormonal imbalances compound your symptoms like sleepless nights, hot flushes and painful periods. 

To make things worse, the restrictive diets we’re told will help us lose weight and feel healthier, actually deny your body the fuel and nutrients it needs to function optimally.

So you end up stuck in a vicious cycle. 

Your metabolism slows down and you've lost muscle so it feels harder and harder to lose weight.

Hormones make your life hell…

And your diet (the thing that's meant to make you healthier) is only making the whole thing worse. 

I know this all too well, because I spent years of my life stuck in this cycle. 

  • My periods were a nightmare

  • My libido was non-existent

  • I was bloated and inflamed

  • And I had no clue the diets and exercise plans I was following were the cause of my poor health 

Then one day I was introduced to pro-metabolic eating. 

A diet of good old-fashioned or nutrient-dense, easily digestible food…

You know, the stuff our grandmothers used to eat, like carbs, red meat, dairy, orange juice and fruit - basically all the foods the fitness industry tells you to avoid to get healthy and lose weight. 

At first, I was skeptical. 

In my mind, it made no sense to eat ice cream, carbs and sugary foods like fruits and juices and still expect to lose weight…

But I followed through and that’s when it all changed for me. 

The first few days were great... 

The bloating went away and I was less inflamed.

Then after a few months, I started having regular and pain-free periods. 

Not long after, my skin and hair started rejuvenating.

And the best part was, I had no urges or cravings to binge because my body was getting all the nutrients it needed to keep me full and well-fueled.

I even got my libido back! 

I knew there were thousands, probably MILLIONS of women
out there who were suffering from a broken metabolism and hormonal imbalance. 

So I created a program based on pro-metabolic eating
and exercise. 

Money-Back Guarantee!

It revolved around 3 key features that helped reset your metabolism...

Step 1. Eat Pro-Metabolic Foods

This isn’t a diet. 

It’s a nutrition plan that gives your body the fuel and nutrients it needs to support your thyroid, metabolism and hormone production.

The best part? 

It includes food you’ll never find in a regular weight loss ‘diet’ like ice cream, carbs and sugar!

Step 2. Balance Your Hormones 

In your 20s, your hormones are working with you to keep you energetic, youthful and sexy. 

But at a certain point, they go haywire and start working against you.

This plan shows you how to work with your body to balance your hormones so losing weight and feeling decades younger becomes easy. 

Step 3. Pro-Metabolic Movement

No more high-stress, high-intensity cardio. 

Instead you’ll be doing moderate exercise
that builds strength and muscle to boost your metabolism.

So you look and feel good while building a strong body to support you as you age. 

When I began sharing my new plan with my clients, the results started flooding in...

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


"I am down 6lbs, back into my old jeans, my body composition is shifting and changing, I am energetic, have less painful periods, my hair is growing healthy." Christa Marie

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


"Bloating... I have gone from looking like I swallowed an elephant to a smallish bump. My gut health feels better overall and that helps with how I feel in my mood and tummy. 🐘❌"
Tania Milovanovic

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


"Sleep!!!! Yeehah! I'm getting amazing sleep, not waking during the night, and waking up feeling refreshed rather than like I've been dragged through the bush backwards. I look forward to getting up at 5am and getting my walk in! Thank you 🙏"
Trish Folkes

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


"I am down 6 lbs, back into my old jeans, my body composition is shifting and changing,I am energetic, less painful period, my hair is growing healthy."

- Christa Marie

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


"Bloating, I have gone from looking like I swallowed an elephant to a smallish bump. My gut health feels better overall and that helps with how I feel in my mood and tummy.


- Tania Milovanovic

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


"Sleep!!!! Yeehah! I'm getting amazing sleep not waking during the night and waking up feeling refreshed rather than like I've been dragged through the bush backwards. I look forward to getting up at 5am and getting my walk in! Thank you 🙏"

- Trish Folkes

Money-Back Guarantee!

Seeing results like these blew me away.

I wanted to get this diet plan out to as many women as possible.

So I took everything that I was charging over $4000 for my 1:1 clients and turned it into a 30-day, do-it-yourself challenge.

It had everything my coaching clients were getting but stripped down to its most essential parts.

- The Pro-Metabolic Meal Plan

- Guides to understanding and recognising hormone imbalances

- Exercise guides that worked in harmony with a pro-metabolic lifestyle

- Community support

- And much, much more

This allowed me to drop the price right down to $200, which
is what I usually sell this challenge for. 

I knew even at double this price it was still incredible value. 

But because you’ve read this far, and you’re on this page today, I’m going to drop the price even further.

Today, only on this page you’re reading right now, you can get the entire 30-Day Challenge, not for $4000, not even for $200, but for just $27.

This is a limited-time price. 

Once it’s gone it’s gone. 

So here’s what I want you to do to lock in this discount right now.

Tap the button below 👇

You’ll be taken to our secure order form.

Simply enter your regular details. 

If the order goes through that means this challenge is still available and you've locked in the insane discount I'm offering you today.

Once your order has been processed, you’ll be sent an email with your login details and you’ll be able to access the challenge material immediately. 

So what are you waiting for?

Go ahead and join the challenge now!

Money-Back Guarantee!

By Now You're Probably Thinking, 'Who The Hell Is This Chick Trying To Force-Feed Me Carbs And Telling Me
It Will Help Me Lose Weight?'

Hi, my name is Kitty Blomfield and I’m 43. 

I went from cycling through quick-fix diets and hating my body to being the healthiest and happiest I've ever been. I'm living proof that this method actually works. And now I’m on a mission to make every woman feel this good!

Money-Back Guarantee!

I've been featured as a fitness and nutrition expert on national TV, including Sunrise and 9 News, and I've even been on the TV show Survivor.

I've gained more than 200k followers online by sharing my unconventional insights
on fat loss for women.

Money-Back Guarantee!

From the age of 17 to 34, I tried all the diets I could get my hands on: 

  • Juicing

  • Shake diets

  • Every protocol of fasting

  • Keto

  • A drug you could take where you’d 💩 any fat you ate
    (I was desperate lol…)

And even though I managed to lose weight…

I knew it was unsustainable because I felt like sh*t every day. 

I used to think about food 24/7…

I struggled to sleep because I’d go to bed super hungry…

And I had no energy to work or enjoy my life. 

On the outside, women would compliment me, telling me I looked great…

But, on the inside, I felt terrible and was at war with my body.

When I was introduced to Pro-Metabolic eating, everything changed for me. 

I felt and looked years younger, my skin and hair began to rejuvenate, and I began to reverse all of my perimenopause symptoms. 

With the system that I’m sharing with you today, I’ve helped over 18k women in their 40s and 50s to restore their metabolism and lose hormonal weight for good. 

We have the biggest portfolio of results in the country. 

Nobody has a better track record.

Money-Back Guarantee!

Feel And Look 10 Years Younger By The End Of This Challenge Or I’ll Send You Back Every Single Penny

If you aren’t 110% happy with the results you get from The 30-Day Pro-Metabolic Diet Challenge…

Send me an email at and we’ll refund your money. 

I’m not playing – this is as real as I can get:


Go through the entire challenge, start to eat in the way we show you, and reach out when you need some extra support.

If, for any reason, by the end of the month: 

You don’t start to lose weight…

You don’t have fewer hot flushes… 

You don’t see any results, feel and look younger, or you don’t believe my system can help you improve your symptoms…

You’ll get your money back in full. 

All I ask is this:

Complete the challenge. 

I know how much value we’re bringing and I know this method worked for thousands of women before you. 

But if you give up before the challenge ends, there’s nothing I can do for you. 

And honestly, I’d hate to see that happen. 

Because - with the right information & support - I’m certain you have what it takes to get a healthier body you love. 

So don’t worry - I’m here for you.

Either you leave the challenge happy, or you leave with the money you paid to join. It’s that simple!


Kitty Blomfield

Co-founder of Nustrength & Coach



Satisfied Women

Money-Back Guarantee!

We’ve Helped More Than 18,000 Women Lose Their Hormonal Weight And Feel Amazing. Here’s What They Had To Say

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"After two days on the meal plan I feel so much better!! Sugar cravings are gone and
I have more energy. Happy I don't have to make sugar-free, gluten-free, carb-free, pain-in-the-ass-to-make breakfast muffins anymore!"

Leah Shireen

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"My periods were marked by rollercoaster emotions, no energy and binge eating... this week my period caught me by surprise — arrived and left without any emotions, lethargy or out-of-control eating... I didn't feel the need to eat a whole block of chocolate or lay on the couch for hours...
I can't believe the difference."

Sarah Braaksma

Money-Back Guarantee!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I am loving the program! Have committed to it and, wow, I feel so much better already.

It's insane — arthritis pain better, energy up, feeling stronger, tummy not sore. The list goes on and I am loving the food. I mean any 'diet' that I can eat chocolate brownie on is the one for me!! And no cravings ❤️"

Verified Challenger

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Absolutely love this program, the best by far I have ever purchased and the last I will ever purchase! I'm doing the
challenge and I've taken to it like a duck to water!

Can not recommend it enough!

I purchased many ridiculous plans, some of which I only read and thought, 'I can't live off a plate of vegetables and a small piece of lean meat,' know I would fail and starve to death by the end of the day! Love, love, love this program 🙌"

Joann Mackenzie

Money-Back Guarantee!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Yes I am down nearly 5kg. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I was over-exercising, stressing my body out with restricting dairy, fat and sugar.

Since allowing my body what
it wants and needs, I feel like
a new person.

My mental health and physical health has improved in such a short period of time. Will never go back to my
old habits."

Elisha Sanders Scurr

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I gained some weight
initially (but I was also very underweight), and as time has gone on, I feel stronger and look better/healthier.

My sugar cravings and desire to binge eat are gone. I feel great! And my hormones are
in a great place, too. I have stable energy for the first
time ever. All good things."

Kristen Hamerstadt

A Quick Reminder Of Everything You Get When You Join Today

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ️️️️ 4.8 / 5.0 based on 6083 reviews

  • 5-Module Pro-Metabolic Diet Course so you know exactly what foods to eat to kick-start your metabolism and balance your hormones 

  • 23 Video Lessons that will help you reduce your perimenopause symptoms, lose weight and look and feel your best 

  • 7-Day Macro-Balanced Meal Plan so you can eat your favourite foods while losing body fat (yes even ice cream
    and fried rice!)

  • Metabolic Health Assessment to help spot the signs of a down-regulated metabolism so you can live without hot flushes, bloating and sleepless nights 

  • Access To The Private Community Group to get support and feedback 7 days a week from our coaches and members to help you stay consistent for longer 

  • Bonus 1 - A Guide To Reducing Your Estrogen Load that will help you balance your hormones and help you have regular and pain-free periods and lose weight faster

  • Bonus 2 - Pro-Metabolic Training and Activity so you know the optimal mix of training you need to promote a healthy metabolism and stay strong, fit, and toned 

TOTAL VALUE = $1,364

Today's Price:
Only$27 USD

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get when I join?

When you hop on board the 30-Day Pro-Metabolic Diet Challenge express, here's the treasure trove you're unlocking:

✅ Module 1 Why choose pro-metabolic foods: Discover the life-changing power of pro-metabolic eating. In this introductory module, you'll learn how nutrient-dense foods can optimise your metabolism, hormones, and thyroid function. We'll cover the foundations - what to eat and how to balance nutrients for your body.

✅ Module 2 Meal plans and nutrition information: You'll discover the importance of calories in achieving your goals and why most mainstream diets often backfire. You’ll also get 4 different meal plans, ranging from 1500 to 2400 calories, designed to support muscle building, hormone production, and end reduce cravings. 

✅ Module 3 Metabolism and how to understand your symptoms: Kitty sits down with Kate Dearing, author of "How to Heal Your Metabolism," to break down the fundamentals. You'll learn to measure your metabolic rate through basal temperature, pulse, digestion, and other key markers. We'll also debunk low-calorie diets and explain how they trigger a stress cycle that slows metabolism long-term. 

✅ Module 4 Meal Prepping and Meal Planning: Discover timesaving techniques to reduce stress and maintain a balanced diet through meal prepping and planning. You’ll see how weekly planning is crucial to avoid last-minute unhealthy choices and ensure consistent nutrient intake. We'll also guide you through using food trackers in advance to hit your protein and macro targets without overthinking.

✅ Module 5 Eating Out: Get Kitty's 10 insider tips for enjoying eating out while staying on track, especially if you want to lose weight. See how to research menus ahead of time, modify orders for healthier choices, and avoid overeating pitfalls. You'll get real examples of smart picks at different cuisines like grills, Italian, and Mexican spots, so you can rest assured nothing will throw you off track. 

✅ Bonus Module 1: Reducing your estrogen load. In this bonus module, you’ll see the importance of reducing your estrogen load to your hormonal health. A lot of skincare products, cleaning products, perfumes and personal care products (some of them are probably in your house right now…) mimic estrogen, causing imbalances. If you’re in perimenopause, this can cause issues like heavy cycles and PMS. At the end of the module, Kitty will give you her favourite personal care products with cleaner alternatives and links to options you can even make yourself.

✅ Bonus Module 2: Recommended training and activity. In this last bonus module, you’ll get an introduction to the ideal mix of strength training, daily movement, and cardio to help you crush your fitness goals. You’ll see why lifting weights is so crucial for revving your metabolism, building muscle, and staying strong as you age.

How long do I get access for?

You’ll get instant and lifetime access to everything inside the challenge so you can go through it at your own pace.

What is the price of this challenge?

You can access the 30-day pro metabolic challenge plus all the Bonuses for just $27 USD.

Who is Kitty Blomfield?

Kitty Blomfield is not just any metabolic health expert; she's a game-changer who's helped over 18,000 women restore their metabolisms and build strong, toned and energised bodies.

But rewind 10 years, and you'd find Kitty entangled in a web of draining diets, from juicing marathons to strict keto regimes. Spoiler alert: they were more draining than a bad soap opera.

Her eureka moment?

Realising these diets were not just fruitless but downright destructive. Imagine grappling with painful periods, nights spent counting sheep instead of sleeping, and energy levels as low as a phone's battery on a busy day. That was Kitty.But then came her turning point. After teaming up with nutrition guru Emma Sgourakis and strength coach Craig McDonald, Kitty uncovered a hard truth: her go-hard-or-go-home exercise routines and ultra-restrictive diets were actually putting her metabolism in a chokehold.

This revelation was like a plot twist in Kitty's life story. She started championing a bold new approach: feasting on the right foods instead of starving, saying 'no thank you' to soul-crushing workouts, and busting the myth that cardio is the only path to fitness glory.

Kitty's Instagram isn't just a profile; it's a 200,000-strong movement challenging tired, old fitness dogmas. Her spicy takes like 'fuel up to fire up your body' and 'ditch the punishing gym routines' are shaking up the scene, catching the eye of magazines like Get It, The Australian Women's Weekly, and The House Of Wellness, and even making waves on TV channels like 9 News and Sunrise. Backed by a sea of glowing testimonials on Facebook, Kitty's not just talking the talk.

She's on a crusade to empower women to lose hormonal weight by harnessing the power of metabolic magic, a path she's walked and conquered herself. 

Her story isn't just inspiring; it's a blueprint for transformation.

Do I get a refund if I don’t see results?

Here's my promise to you, as clear as a sunny day: If, by the end of this 30-day pro metabolic challenge, you don't feel like you can restore your metabolism and lose weight sustainably using my method just shoot me an email to

No hard feelings, no hoops to jump through. I'll make sure you get a full refund, as easy as snapping your fingers. We're in this together, and your satisfaction is my top priority. So, if you’re ready to embark on this journey with zero risk and all the potential for a happier, healthier you, let's get this party started

Will this work for vegetarians or vegans?

If you are vegetarian and eat seafood, eggs and dairy it can be adapted. It isn’t suitable for vegans.

When can I get started?

You can get started on this challenge right now.

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